
  • Conjoined Clothing is a small business based in Sweden and is run on my free time from my apartment. Therefore I try to keep just a small stock so I don't have to trip over boxes in every room.
  • Most clothes are printed on demand, which means that it sometimes can take up to a couple of weeks for me to get them from my supplier. So please be patient if your clothes takes longer than expected to get to you.
  • If everything's in stock, your order will be sent within a couple of days.
  • Please send me a message (preferably on Instagram, but Facebook works as well) if you have any questions about your order or anything in general. Same thing if you want to collaborate.
  • The photo in the header is taken by NecrosHorns. Hit him up on Instagram or Facebook if you want something similar for your brand / label / band.


Have a great day!

Conjoined Clothing